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Sunday, 20 November 2011

Analyzing the Risks and Benefits of Genetically Modified 'Glo Fish'

The topic that was assigned this week is based on analyzing the risks and benefits of genetically modified ‘Glo Fish’. After doing research on the ‘Glo Fish’ we have come to a conclusion that we believe that this genetically modified organisms benefits out weigh the risks, therefore we believe that this would have a positive impact on the society. Some ideas that led to this decision were that this genetically modified organism does not harm the environment or surrounding organisms, if they were released into the wild and they breed there would become an abundance supply of food for larger organisms. Finally, benefits to our societies economy.

          Firstly, these genetically modified organisms have had no past or present impacts on the environment or surrounding organisms because these fish were originally created to help develop a fish that would glow when in the presences of toxins or pollutants. However, the first step into this experiment was to create a fluorescent glowing fish using zebra fish. Zebra fish have been relied on by scientists to help better understand molecular biology, and vertebrate development. Also, Fluorescent zebra fish in particular have helped in the understanding of cellular diseases and developments, such as cancer. These genetically modified ‘Glo Fish’ were created by adding a natural fluorescent gene and then breeding off springs. Therefore, there is no danger of these genetically modified organisms in harming or having negative impacts on the environment or other surrounding organisms. 

          Secondly, if these genetically modified organisms were released into the wild and they began to breed outside of human facilities, they could become food for larger organisms. However, these genetically modified fish are small and are easy prey because of the bright colours, and the fact that they glow in the dark without control over that ability. It would be like picking a yellow flower out of a field of grass. But, if these genetically modified fish were able to increase their chances at breeding in the wild, they could help other species recover by becoming food. For example, Salmon are carnivorous and feed themselves by catching smaller fish and other sea organisms. Salmon is a  very popular dish in our society because Salmon consume more fish than other products, they have a large sum of omega 3 fatty acids. The large consumption of this fish has led to a major decrease in Salmon population. Therefore, if these genetically modified organisms were able to become a constant and abundance supply of food to other large fish than our society would not have to worry about the extinction of species from to much consumption. 

        Finally, there could be several benefits to our societies economy because continuing from my second argument, the population of the Salmon would increase, since the genetically modified fish are consumed by Salmon. Our society could then be able to sell Salmon world wide again. Also, these genetically modified fish were originally created to help the environment, except they have caught the eyes of beloved aquatic fish owners that want to add colour to their aquarium. Between the markets of food consumption of fish and retail pet store owners our economy might be lifted a little. Therefore, if we were to increase the numbers of these genetically modified organisms would it help benefit our societies fish market and local pet store owners.

         In conclusion, these genetically modified organism would rather benefit our society than become a risk because they do not harm the environment or surrounding organisms, if they were released into the wild and they breed there would become an abundance supply of food for larger organisms. Finally, they would increase our societies fish market, which would help lift our economy. Therefore, after doing research on the genetically modified ‘Glo Fish’ we have come to a conclusion that we believe that this genetically modified organisms benefits out weigh the risks, therefore we believe that this would have a positive impact on the society.